Weiterführende Kurse

Worum geht es?


We are called to partner with God in His mission on earth. As the body of Christ, as Jesus’ hands and feet, we are called to engage with the people in all of society: right where they are. Jesus came to tackle the root cause of our brokenness, sin, in order to heal and restore everyone and everything from the inside out for His glory – and YOU are now His agent on earth!

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What if your profession is your holy calling from the Lord in healing and restoring nations? What if discipling nations begins at your workplace, through your vocation, in your sphere of society? How can you do it practically, personally, and biblically? What can you learn from Christian and mission history? Where can you start? – And what does this have to do with YWAM Europe “3.0”?

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The Organic Agriculture Trainers Seminar seeks to use principles found in God’s Word and in creation to train individuals in the basics of agriculture. We desire to learn about ways of doing agriculture that will benefit creation on all levels, therefore taking part in the dominion and stewardship given to us by God.

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Warum ein weiterführender Kurs?

Eine Fortbildung mit JMEM ist eine erstaunliche Möglichkeit, die gelernten Wahrheiten und Prinzipien aus der DTS zu vertiefen. Es ist auch eine großartige Gelegenheit, in anderen Interessensgebieten weiter zu wachsen und ermöglicht es dir, ein tieferes Verständnis zu erlangen. Weiterführende Kurse sind in vielerlei Hinsicht praxisorientierter und helfen dir, das Gelernte besser anzuwenden. Es ist ein wunderbares Werkzeug, um eine tiefe, reiche und stets wachsende Beziehung zu Gott zu pflegen.

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