"Through the Bible Core Course, I discovered my place in God’s story. I discovered how how He chose to be with us. This was real for the people in that time and it became very real for me now. It changes how I live everyday life and compels me to share this with others."
-Mayerli, The Netherlands
-Mayerli, The Netherlands

"I am thankful for this time set aside to do an advanced training course. As I went through this season, my conviction increased more and more that this method and environment for Bible study should be part of the life of every Christian. The course was very empowering for me to be able to study the Bible and apply it to my life and ministry. My understanding of God and his character and plan for redemption increased, and I feel this season will release me to walk out my calling in life and ministry."
-Daniel, Portugal
-Daniel, Portugal

"I did the School of Worship in Herrnhut and really loved the experience! The school leaders were super friendly and always helpful, while still regularly challenging us to step out of our comfort zone. The school had a good balance between practical and theory, with plenty of time to create, write and perform. We also learned from the varied local and international speakers. The memories I have from the time are really special and will stick with me for a long time. Highly recommend doing the School of Worship in Herrnhut"
-Braden, New Zealand
-Braden, New Zealand