
six month dts


Matthew 9:37-38 “Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”

Herrnhut is a beautiful small village in Saxony, eastern Germany, with a rich spiritual legacy. In the 1700s, Moravian refugees from what is now Czechia settled here. They experienced revival as they lived in Spirit-led community, and this revival led them to radically dedicate their lives to those who had not yet heard the Gospel – launching the frontrunners of the modern day Protestant missions movement. The Moravians lived under this banner: “Our Lamb has conquered – let us follow Him!”

God is the Lord of the Harvest, who provides seeds and makes them grow. He has made the nations for Himself, to represent Him in all of His multi-faceted beauty. The Harvest DTS is born out of a desire to carry His heart for the nations, to develop the understanding and tools which will make us effective, and to commit to His work wherever He would ask us to go.

Harvest DTS will focus on one of the largest harvest fields of our generation: the Islamic world. Both the lecture and outreach phases will create the space and tools for you to go deeper into understanding God’s heart for these regions and people groups, and to foster a long-term commitment to the Gospel.

The harvest fields of the world are ready – will you go?


Lecture phase is a unique time of learning in an interactive group setting. It is formatted through teaching by experienced missionaries and speakers, small group discussions, practical implementation, community lifestyle and serving, times of reflection, personal study, and worship and prayer. The schedule is full-time, but is also created to facilitate space for personal time and building friendships. The teaching is structured to be modular, with a different focus each week. During the lecture phase you will learn about topics such as the Nature and Character of God, Hearing God’s Voice, the Holy Spirit, the Kingdom of God, Worship and Intercession, Identity, Spiritual Warfare, and much more. You will be challenged, stretched, and discipled! Later on in the lecture phase, you will also spend time with your outreach team, praying and preparing for outreach.


This is what DTS is all about! To effectively train and equip our trainees, we must obediently respond to the call to the harvest field. We partner with local contacts and long-term workers to serve what God is already doing in the nations. The heart of a DTS outreach is to introduce people to Jesus, and that can happen in many different ways, depending on the location and the team. We also believe it is vital to practically apply everything God teaches us in order to continue growing and maturing, and the outreach phase is an incredible opportunity for this. For the topics and principles learned in the lecture phase to really take root and become established in our lives, they must be lived out. The outreach will be a cross-cultural experience of continued learning and growing, with opportunities to share the love of Jesus with the people of the nations we are guests in. Exact outreach locations will be announced during lecture phase.

Useful information


 The DTS will run:
10 September 2025 – 05 March 2026

 Application Fee: 60€

 Lecture Phase: 2400€
– includes tuition, accommodation, meals, the mini-outreach and study material
(There may be additional costs for German Residence Permits, up to 149€, depending on nationality)

 Outreach Phase: 2200-3000€
– includes airfares, ground transport, accommodation, meals, visas and outreach materials
– does not include travel insurance, vaccinations, or personal spending money

*last updated 2024, subject to change per year

Some topics vary from school to school, but here are some examples:

Nature and Character of God
Father Heart of God
Hearing Gods Voice
Praise, Worship and Celebration
Prayer and Intercession
Evangelism and Sharing the Gospel
Healthy Relationships
Identity and Original Design
Laying Down Your Rights / Fear of the Lord / Lordship of Christ
Holy Spirit and the Gifts
The Great Commission and the Call to Missions
Bible Overview / Foundations of Worldview
Spiritual Warfare

Want more information? Email us: dts@ywamherrnhut.com

Languages: English, (German TBD)

Next course starts in:

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Mission Building