Discipling Nations Online School
DNOS is about applying biblical worldview – or rather biblical world-vision – to all areas of society, especially to your workplace. Or, similarly, to life and vision as a student in university.
Our vision, that we want to invite you into, is to walk out the Great Commission to “make disciples of all nations” in daily life: colleague by colleague, workplace by workplace, sphere by sphere, city by city – and be what Jesus has called us to be: the “light of the world” or the “city on a hill” that doesn’t hide but that gives light to all (Matthew 5:13-20).
The Discipling Nations Online School is a part-time course (approx. 5h/week), spread over 2 consecutive modules and an individual third part, about 3 months each, and can be done while working, studying, raising a family, or whatever else your season looks like right now.
We believe God is interested not only in the flourishing of the church institution, but of all humanity. We believe business, government, media, arts, celebration, tech, science, health care, education, and families are all intended by God to reflect His image and bring Him glory.
Did you know that the Bible talks as many times about the individual person as it talks about cities or nations, often addressing them like a person? That the Bible teaches timeless principles and values for discipling all nations: in its prime example how God discipled the nation of Israel? Did you know that many former Protestant nations are still largely based on biblical principles?
We believe that beyond Revival a new Reformation is due that empowers every follower of Jesus to take the gospel outside of church programs and walk it out in every domain of society in daily life. We believe every Christian’s professional vocation is complementary to church ministries and equally important as an avenue to bring the blessing of God to those around us.
We are called to partner with God in His mission on earth. As the body of Christ, as Jesus’ hands and feet, we are called to engage with the people in all of society: right where they are. Jesus came to tackle the root cause of our brokenness, sin, in order to heal and restore everyone and everything from the inside out for His glory – and YOU are now His agent on earth!
Join our online learning community as we discover together how to obey the Great Commission and see the Lord’s Prayer walked out: God’s will being done on earth as it is in heaven.
– Learn how to apply biblical principles to real world situations.
– Grow in influence over areas in society by first getting to know more God’s character and His ways, and then reflecting Him in your life in any given context, in any given challenge.
– Discover God’s will for the area that you are called to influence and disciple.
– Explore how to release His blessing into that area – and to reveal the nature and character of God through your life for those around you!
– Dive deeper into your calling to “let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven”.
Our desire is that as you discover God’s vision for this world, you will develop your long-term vision for life (Module 1); as you discover God’s mission with this world, you will understand in greater depth your calling and your role in this world in this time of history, in your nation (Module 2) – and that this will enable you to create your long-term strategy how to cultivate godly kingdom culture in your everyday life, and disciple your nation – starting with those around you, among whom God in His wisdom has strategically placed YOU (Part 3).
The full online course is designed into 2 consecutive modules and an individual third part.
For each module you will study keynote books, some in full and some in part. Additionally we will study a number of complementary resources such as articles and videos. Study guides are helping you to process what you’re learning. About once a month you apply what you’ve been learning in an exercise that we call a “project”. Each module concludes with a workshop that channels the overall content of that module into practical application for your life.
Early in each module we will form study groups with whom you will journey through that module, often from a similar vocation or sphere of society. For Module 1 you will meet up on Zoom with your study group once a month to do that month’s projects, and in-between once a month for discussion in what we call a “digital Table Talk”. This will be on an agreed time within your study small group of 3-5 participants, hosted by a DNOS staff.
The course is flexible when and how you want to spend your weekly study time(s) of approximately 5 hours. Important is to have finished the same assignments when you meet with your study group on Zoom. Generally, the final deadline for any module is one month after the module ends. After finishing a module you can continue with the next one at any future course entry around the end of March or end of September.
The 1st module is introductory by nature, the 2nd goes into depth focused on your sphere, and the 3rd part does fine-tuning for daily life. The 1st module is set for you to discover your vision for life, in light of God’s vision for this world. In the 2nd module you will explore the depth of your vocational calling, your life mission, in light of God’s mission with this world. In the 3rd part you will develop the lifestyle or culture you want to cultivate in daily life, in light of the culture of heaven.
The study material used is from some of the finest teachers on the topic, such as Loren Cunningham, Landa Cope, Darrow Miller, Vishal Mangalwadi, Skye Jethani, Os Hillman, Bill Johnson – and of course: The Bible Project.
3 Parts
Module 1: “GOD’S WORLD VISION” [15 weeks, ~5h./week] *
Module 2: “MY LIFE MISSION” [14 weeks, ~5h./week] *
Part 3: “MY LIFESTYLE” [~12 weeks, individual]
* A module runs typically from end of March to beginning of July, or from end of September to beginning of January. – You can continue with module 2 at any future course entry, available twice a year.
For Module 1 (God’s World Vision) and Module 2 (My Life Mission) – most are read partly, three in full:
– “The Book That Transforms Nations: The Power of the Bible to Change Any Country” by Loren Cunningham
– “An Introduction to the Old Testament Template: Rediscovering God’s Principles for Discipling Nations” by Landa Cope
– one elective focus-book specifically on your sphere of society (biblical worldview)
Chosen chapters are from:
– “Discipling Nations: The Power of Truth to Transform Cultures” by Darrow Miller
– “Change Agent: Engaging Your Passion to Be the One Who Makes a Difference” by Os Hillman
– “This Book Changed Everything: The Bible’s Amazing Impact On Our World – Volume 1” by Vishal Mangalwadi
– “The Book that Made Your World: How the Bible Created the Soul of Western Civilization” by Vishal Mangalwadi
– “The 7 Mountain Renaissance: Vision and Strategy through 2050” by Johnny Enlow
– “Making Jesus Lord: The Dynamic Power of Laying Down Your Rights” by Loren Cunningham
For Part 3 (My Lifestyle):
– “Futureville: Discover Your Purpose for Today by Reimagining Tomorrow“ by Skye Jethani
– “7 Keys to Unlocking Your Life P.U.R.P.O.S.E.: Discovering Your Destiny by Understanding Your Design” by Stuart Simpson
– “The 9 to 5 Window: How Faith Can Transform the Workplace” by Os Hillman
– “The Way of Life: Experiencing the Culture of Heaven on Earth” by Bill Johnson

useful information
January 14, 2023 – April 29, 2023
English – it is possible though to write in German or Portuguese, also the main course materials are available in these languages
90€ per module (+ private purchase of course books) – for admin, advert, server fees, UofN accreditation, course development
University of the Nations Accreditation: 6-8 Credits
1.1 “The Transforming Story” with Darrow Miller
1.2 “The Power of the Bible to Change Any Country” with Loren Cunningham
→ Worldview Project: “Made in the Image of God”
1.3 “The Gospel of the Kingdom of God” with Dr. Myles Munroe & Os Hillman
1.4 “Rediscovering the Great Commission” with Dr. Bob Moffitt & Loren Cunningham
1.5 “Rediscovering God’s Principles for Discipling Nations” with Landa Cope
→ Spheres Project: “Biblical Solutions for A Current Societal Crisis”
1.6 “God & Humanity: Discovering HIStory” with Dr. Tim Mackie
1.7 “The Development of Culture” with Darrow Miller & Os Hillman
→ Culture Project: “Ideas Have Consequences (The Belief Tree)” with Darlene Cunningham
1.8 “The Taproot and Future of Western Civilization” with Dr. Vishal Mangalwadi & Jeff Fountain
→ Module 1 Workshop: “God’s World Vision & My Life Vision”
2.1 “Global Missions Past & Present” with Dr. Ralph Winter & Dr. Robert Woodberry
→ Mustard Seed Exposition: “Long-term Mission and Sustainable Approaches”
2.2 “Lessons in Nation Building: How Cultures Get Transformed” with Darrow Miller
2.3 “360° Study of Your Sphere”:
2.3.1 “Biblical Foundations of Your Chosen Sphere” with Landa Cope
2.3.2 “Lessons from Christian History for Your Sphere” with Dr. Vishal Mangalwadi
2.3.3 “Present Issues in Your Sphere” with Os Hillman
2.3.4 “Future Vision and Strategy for Your Sphere” with Johnny Enlow
2.3.5 “Keynote Book Study on Your Sphere”
→ Major Sphere Research Project: “A Proposal for Reformation”
→ Hope Debate: “Can Nations Be Reformed?” with Dr. Francis Schaeffer
2.4 “Making Jesus Lord” with Loren Cunningham
→ Module 2 Workshop: “God’s World Mission & My Life Mission”
[Part 3: “MY LIFESTYLE”]
3.1 “Futureville: Creating Order, Beauty, and Abundance” with Skye Jethani
3.2 “Destiny by Design: 7 Keys to Unlocking Your Life P.U.R.P.O.S.E.” with Dr. Stuart Simpson
→ Identity Project: “My P.U.R.P.O.S.E. Profile”
3.3 “The 9 to 5 Window: Understanding Your Vocational Calling” with Os Hillman
3.4 “God at Work: How Faith Can Transform Your Workplace” with Os Hillman
→ LifeWork Project: “God’s Presence at My Workplace”
3.5 “Kingdom Culture: The Way of Life” with Bill Johnson
→ Lifestyle-Workshop: “Heaven’s Culture & My Life Culture”
Landa Cope, Darlene Cunningham, Loren Cunningham, Johnny Enlow, Jeff Fountain, Os Hillman, Skye Jethani, Bill Johnson, Gabe Lyons, Dr. Tim Mackie, Dr. Vishal Mangalwadi, Darrow L. Miller, Dr. Bob Moffitt, Dr. Myles Munroe, Dr. Francis Schaeffer, Dr. Stuart Simpson, Dr. Ralph D. Winter, Dr. Robert D. Woodberry
Email: dnos@ywamherrnhut.com